Weekly Wisdom Thoughts on Truth

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

"The one who trusts in God is always protected. He abides in peace with the full assurance that all is well."
Mary Kupferle

I trust God; He never fails me. He makes my paths straight by guiding and protecting me. I place everything in God's care. He knows what is best for me. I trust God completly in every choice I make. God is my help in every time of need.

I lay aside all fear; it has no power. God is greater than any fear I may be experiencing. I feel God's presence and I listen to His guidance. As I do so all tension, stress and strain simply dissolve into nothingness and I am assured all is well!

I place every situation, circumstance and person lovingly into God's care. I ask believing and trust God to answer my every need. I rejoice that I am one with God and God is one with me. With confidence and faith I move forward to do what needs to be done by me! I trust in the goodness of God and His love that never fails me.

#WeeklyWisdom #ThoughtsonTruth
