Weekly Wisdom/Thoughts on Truth

"For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land with flowing streams, with springs and underground waters welling up in valleys and hills."
 (Deuteronomy 8:7)

"Accepting who we truly are, and all of our human experience, is the greatest gift and the surest route to happiness."
 (Robert Brumet)

I believe that there is a reason for each of us to be on this earth at this time. I believe that each of us enters this life experience with definite talents, gifts, qualities, and characteristics to bless ourselves, others, and our world.  I believe that each of us is important, our potential is great, and the possibilities are unlimited.

As one person noted, "At every moment the universe is making you an irresistible offer."  The whole universe is lined up to support you and make your life joyous, happy, and fulfilled.  God has plans for you that are beyond your wildest dreams.

Everything in your life is a result of some belief or thought that you have held in mind.  So today begin to fill your mind with thoughts of possibilities and create the life you desire.  Start today to acknowledge the greatness that lies within you.  Remember you are a child of God and the resemblance is remarkable.  Yes, a beloved child of God and nothing is impossible to God!

Amazing crafts, fun games, yummy goodies, and a bounce house.  Don't forget to get your costumes ready for our Sunday School Halloween Party! Most of all, remember to bring a friend!  All the children will be busy bouncing and celebrating Halloween in the courtyard at the end of theirSunday School hour.  Reminder: Parents will be picking up their children at the party and not at their regular classrooms. Exception: Our Unitots (Pre-School) children will be picked up in their usual classroom.

To hear Nancy read this message, click here http://mattocks.org/audio/ww101316.mp3

Richest Blessings,
Nancy Norman