Weekly Wisdom/ Thoughts on Truth

"Now faith is the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance about what we do not see."
(Hebrews 11:1)

"Faith is the perceiving power of the mind linked with the power to shape substance."
(Charles Fillmore)

Faith is that ever-encouraging, confident feeling of knowing all is well because our Father, Mother, God loves us, cares for us, and is present in our lives every moment of every day. As we experience faith, we have a grander, deeper understanding of life and God. Our faith becomes a living faith, not a faith that is stuck in past modes of being.

With faith, we no longer hesitate to undertake any challenge that is worthy. It does not matter how great or difficult it may appear. Faith brings that sense of power, peace, strength, and confidence-a true understanding that with faith, we can accomplish great, wonderful, even miraculous things!

For those filled with faith, the future is as magnificent, successful and as beautiful as they desire it to be! 

To hear Nancy read this message, click here.

 Richest Blessings,
Nancy Norman