Weekly Wisdom/Thoughts on Truth

"...The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace."
(Romans 8:6)

"We are purely living spirit not hampered by any conditions
of any kind and therefore not subject to illness."
(Thomas Troward)

Life is everywhere present and we draw on life at all times. Life is never static. It is always moving, always changing. It is vitality. There is an effervescent essence about life. This life is God-life and we are one with God-life at all times.

We frequently become distracted by thoughts and beliefs that take us down the wrong path and away from our good. At such times we can affirm boldly and with power, "Life, life, life, life! I am filled with the vibrant, magnificent life of God!"

Then, let us continue to remind ourselves, as often as is necessary, that God and the universe are actively working on our behalf at all times to bring us what we ask for and what is for our highest and best good. When we come to know this truth and begin to live our lives from this point of view, we will be fully healed and restored in every way. Life, life, life, life! I am filled with the vibrant, magnificent life of God!
Richest Blessings,
Nancy Norman