Weekly Wisdom/Thought on Truth

There is no mystery about God speaking to man; there should be no infrequency of it, for man was created to walk and talk with God in sweet communion, in the garden of his soul. 

To anyone high or low, rich or poor, great or small who turns expectantly to the Father, asking earnestly and looking to Him only, there will come an answer if he is still enough.
At any moment when there is a need, at high noon or midnight, in the crowd of a busy thoroughfare, or when alone far from civilization, in a consciousness of “Thou, Lord only” we can turn to the kingdom within for the answer. Shut away from conflict, from doubt and fear, we can there “rest in Jehovah, and wait patiently for him.” From this inmost and high God will come the answer to any question, the supply for any need. We need only practice stillness, with our mind turned Godward, to experience such a calm, such a peace, such a joy that we recognize it is God’s presence and wait eagerly for Him to speak. When the ear is opened Godward it shall hear, for the promise is, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
—Frances W. Foulks/Effectual Prayer

Richest Blessings, 
Nancy Norman