Weekly Wisdom/Thoughts on Truth

Peace is the Perfect Climate for Possibilities

(The Promise of Christmas, Unity 1993)

Peace is here now.

"The peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 
(Philippians 4:7)

Today, I am aware of and fully accept this truth. 

I realize that true peace is not just the absence of conflict, but the presence of order.  From where does my order come?  It comes from the Christ of my being.
Today I rest in peace.  I fully experience the inner peace that only Christ can bring.  I know that in the midst of seeming turmoil, I can experience peace.  Today, right now, I concentrate on bringing this calming, settling sense of order to my mind, my heart, and my life.

I know that peace is not the result of victory over a challenge I have faced.  Rather, it is a calm acceptance of the way things are right now.  No matter what hurdles or challenges I face in my life today, I know that I can peaceably move through this difficulty and on to tomorrow.

Today I am at peace perfect with the Christ of my being.

Richest Blessings,
Nancy Norman