Weekly Wisdom/Thoughts on Truth

January 4, 2017
"Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive." (Matthew 21:22)
"If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams and endeavor to live the life you have imagined, you will meet with success unexpected in common hours." (Henry David Thoreau)
Happy, happy, happy 2018!  This is a new year of possibilities, adventure, and wonder.  We begin to let our minds think about what we would like to experience in the New Year and the things we do not want to repeat. Yearly we clean the slate, making room for those new 535,600 minutes that have been given to us this year.  We can use those fresh new minutes in creative, wonderful ways.  Using our power of imagination we can write down and visualize our hopes, dreams, and desires, making them a reality in our lives.  Again and again we realize that if we believe there is no limit to what we can accomplish.
A new beginning gives us the opportunity to be free of past limitation and explore new exciting avenues of expression.  Write down your goals; be clear about what you want to experience.  Is it a better job, more money, fuller family life, meeting someone and establishing a life and a family?  Do not be afraid to write it down and begin visualizing yourself living the life that will bring you happiness.
God has a plan for you...a divine plane. Believe it; trust your inner knowing and see the result filled with the good you desire to experience.  Russell A. Kemp first wrote the following in 1947.  It contains a wonderful message as we step forth into 2015.
"This Is the Year!"
"Wonderful, wonderful fortunate you,
This is the year that your ships come in;
This is the year you find Christ within.
This is the year you are glad to live;
This is the year you have much to give.
This is the year when you know the Truth;
This is the year when you find new youth.
This is the year that brings happiness;
This is the year you will live to bless.
Wonderful, wonderful, fortunate you,
This is the year that your dreams come true!"
This is a year of possibilities, adventure, and wonder.  God has a plan and it is greater than I can imagine!

Richest Blessings, 
Nancy Norman