Weekly Wisdom/Thoughts on Truth

"Let the nations be glad and sing for joy."
(Psalm 67:4)

"In the silence we get the wonderful inward joy that is of God."
(Myrtle Fillmore)

It is now time for us to begin our final week of Advent. The theme for this week is joy.

For centuries the world has been joyfully commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. Once again we are given the opportunity to give thanks for the love, joy, and wisdom that He brought us.

Let us go back for just a moment in time and think of how it was before Jesus was born.

The Old Testament reveals that the Israelites were often anxious and afraid. They were treated cruelly by many of their neighbors. Joy often eluded the Israelites, except in their belief that someday the Promised One would arrive.

The birth of Jesus changed everything for those who believed in Him. Anxiety was replaced by joy, beginning with the shepherds who came from the fields to see this wondrous child. Imagine the joy they felt standing in the presence of pure love!

Jesus brought to this world an awareness of the indwelling Spirit. This loving Spirit brings joy to our lives whenever we take the time to awaken to it. There is no human joy or love as great as this! Unity/The Promise of Christmas
To hear Nancy read this message, click here.

Richest Blessings,
Nancy Norman